toniwarburtonartist Discarded knot ecountered on a foot path in Manly Thanks to administrator, Jade Bull and the team at 'Shapes that resemble flowers' 1,2,3 (polychrome g 1.'BED' ceramic object imprinted with gestures fro 'Fauvish figurine,' a gardener (2007-24) glazed te Solidarity- in time, situation and craft was numbe Today's open ceramic studio was so very enjoyabl Meanwhile, back at SHAC, 'garland' informed by m Unpacked a few blue n whites this morning for Agi art trifecta Southern Highlands- it’s late not For @h_ollymacdonald and that Marrickville open st Sorting the garniture. It's wonderful to be partic Reclining woman in a coloured striped dress and bl "Theo" called Fanny, "look at Theo!" and well she 'Taost object' arose from an impulse to hand model This exquisite porcelain cup and saucer alighted w tidal walk, rock platform, incoming tide, sou'west 'Bookends for small notebooks' (moorhen and flowe my multiple, 'a chorus of sirens' and detail no 8 AND... Godfrey Miller! 'Summer' 1.detail 2.philoso Load More... Follow on Instagram