Terra Nova, Sturt Gallery and Studios, Mittagong NSW, 28 May to 16 July, 2023

Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work

Challice for the troposhere with cloud cups, hand modelled terracotta, sgraffito,white and coloured glazes.

Once i flew from Chicago to Tokyo high in the stratosphere looking down through the troposphere on clouds that striated into scrolls and chevrons like the patterns painted in cobalt blue on Chinese and Japanese pottery. They say that places where clouds gather have good Feng Shui and that’s how my studio at Sutton Forest feels.Installed in Terra Nova @sturtgalleryandstudios.

Delighted to participate in this show with amazing ceramic artist potters and superb work beautifully curated designed and installed by @slavicazivkovic.artist

Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work

Cloud forest, glazed terracotta

Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work

Figuring out some old and new ideas about clouds, rainwater, ponds, vases and beakers for an upcoming group show Terra Nova at Sturt Gallery and Studios. Opening: Sunday 28 May, 11am. Exhibition dates: 28 May – 16 July 2023

Work in progress

Studies for the theme of clouds
Felt pen and coloured pencil on paper

Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work
Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work
Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work
Toni Warburton, Artist. Current work