Research for “Jardinière”

Research for "Jardinaire"

Provisional stack figure i

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

Provisional stack figure i

Research for "Jardinaire"

Provisional stack figure ii

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

Provisional stack figure iii

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

Small provisional stack drawings ii (i)

Research for "Jardinaire"

Small provisional stack drawings ii (ii)

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

Small provisional stack drawings ii (iii)

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

‘Cloud Hill’ vase apparition, found weathered wood fragments, gesso, indigo cotton.

Research for "Jardinaire"

‘Cloud Hill’ vase apparition, found weathered wood fragments, gesso, indigo cotton.

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

Curve profiler, found somewhere, a nice thinking tool of trade for vase ideas. It has recently entered the workshop of @chris._ward in the service of guitar contours. It probably has a special name if I find, will edit.

Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park
Maquette for a vase resembling the shape of a cloud.
Development for Rill Vases for inspiration to creation, Artists of the Round Yard at Retford Park

Maquette for a vase resembling the shape of a cloud.